Saturday, November 21, 2009

"The School of Athens" - Raphael 
"School of Athens" - by Raphael 

Renaissance means "rebirth". It was the period when the ancient ideas came back in and took over the minds of everyone. In this time, people were experimenting and discovering new ideas that could change the world. Much of the thinking was based on the Roman and Greek ideas, because of this, their knowledge was spread throughout Europe which enhanced the understanding of many areas that were still unknown. Through this painting, another type of knowledge that spread was scientific. In the far right, bottom corner, there is a celestial globe, a globe of the stars. This shows that scholars and educated people focused on many subjects, such as writing and scientific knowledge.  They were educated and brought up in enhanced 
ways which helped flourish our world. 

(Heraclitus) "The School of Athens" - Raphael 


Heraclitus is depicted in the painting by Raphael, called "The School of Athens". He was known to be a self-taught and a pioneer of wisdom. He lived a lonely life and was called "The Obscure" and the "Weeping Philosopher". He focused a lot on the universe, he stated, "You can not step twice into the same river." He was known to have believed in the unity if opposites, he said that, "the path up and down is one of the same". Some concepts he stated, were called upon with many interpretations. In the marvelous painting by Raphael, I would chose to be him, because he believed in finding out information on the world, the universe and other scientific concepts. Even though he lived his life as a lonely man, he was still a man to be inspired. His life came to an end when he was diagnosed with dropsy. The physicians that were treating him, couldn't find a cure, so he decided to treat himself to a concoction of cow manure and baking in the sun, he believed his method was successful. After one day of treatment, Heraclitus died. He was a man who many people couldn't understand, and because of this he lived his life lonely but knowledgeable. These are the reasons why, out of the whole painting, "The School of Athens", I would like to be Heraclitus. 

Friday, September 25, 2009

Freedom - the will to live

"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes."  - Mahatma Gandhi

  Gandhi was born on the 2nd of October, 1869 and he passed away on the 30th of January, 1948. He was a man of strong principles who stood up for what he believed in no matter what the consequences. In 1921, Gandhi lead nationwide campaigns to produce a less impoverished society and he fought for the rights of women, everywhere. His fights upset some people, so they captured him, and put him in jail. His strength of character was put to the test when he fasted for 64 days, to support the independence of his country.  This was the longest fasting ever recorded in history. So strongly did he believe in what he was doing, that he continued on this path at considerable cost to himself. While keeping his torture inside, he continued to pursue what he thought was right even though his health was deteriorating.  Overtime people had learned to accept him and what he stood for. People revered Gandhi in everything he did and said because he had the courage to not only stand up for himself, but also for his country. He enlightened others to tell the truth. There were two reasons why Gandhi fasted. One, because it initiated a self-purification process, but it also was a protest to society. If it weren't for Gandhi's freedom and willingness to fight, India would never have had it's independence. Gandhi was a man full of righteousness and soul, when he passed, not only did India mourned him, but the other countries of the world missed him as well.  Gandhi served his country both in health and in sickness.  He was resilient and he followed his dreams to fight for the freedom of his country. It was his vision and actions that allowed the independence all Indian people enjoy today. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wisdom - From the past to the future

Wisdom appears in your mind

Smothered in ripped black shreds

Searching for the right place to fit

Picture by:
The theme I am portraying here, in this poem, is Wisdom. The knowledge and  experiences that lie deep within someone. Paulo Coelho, used wisdom to transcend the idea of the alchemist's personality through his knowledge, to prove to Santiago that he was powerful in his actions as well as his mind, in the book "The Alchemist". Wisdom is a trait which anyone, anywhere can have; they just need to know how to use it and when to call upon it. Throughout earth's existence, wisdom has been transferred through generations; from parent to child; from teacher to student; from boss to employee. It is all about learning from the experience of others, often older and more experienced than we are. It is about using logic and not repeating mistakes of the past. It is about looking at ALL the options to a solution and knowing which is the best option to take. Wise people know how to harness this energy. I believe, that our world would not be the same, without our knowledge and understanding of the past and the wisdom of our leaders, scientists and scholars.  Unwise people repeat mistakes it appears, because what they have learnt from others has not found its way into that part of their mind which allows them recall it and use it. In ancient Greece, the Gods were revered. They were wise, and were asked the questions, others didn't know the answers too. In the Bible, Joseph son of Jacob, was a man who because he was wise and was able to interpret dreams, and see into the future, he became powerful. In society over thousands of years, Judges had to make decisions based on information they obtain and use their experience (sometimes wisdom) to make the best decisions for everyone. Wisdom is a strong theme in the book "The Alchemist". It proves that people can get through anything, if they know their way around the puzzles and if they can apply that knowledge and teach others their understanding, to benefit the rest of humankind.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Answer is Within...

Life’s Journey

“I have in side me the winds, the deserts, the oceans, the stars and everything created in the universe. We were all made by the same hand, and we have the same soul.” – (Coelho 140). Santiago, the protagonist in the story ‘The Alchemist’, is explaining to the wind, why the creations of God share the same soul and how Santiago, could be turned into the wind. Santiago is a shepherd, who is on a voyage to discover his destiny. An old man tells him, that hidden treasure lies beneath the sands of the pyramids of Egypt, so he embarks on this odyssey. He begins his journey in Andalusia, Spain; he then moves to Egypt, only to discover that his treasure was where his quest had begun. Santiago believed that by embarking on this mission he would be able to achieve his destiny, find true love and welcome new people into his life. Santiago had many traits that helped him progress through the novel, such as, courage, observance and resilience. These three qualities helped Santiago understand the meaning of life and combined together to help him achieve his destiny.

Santiago needed strength to progress further in order to fulfill his destiny. While he was talking with the King of Salem, he was given two very vital objects, “The boy put the stones in his pouch. From then on, he would make his own decisions.” – “Alchemist” page: 29. The one person that made Santiago realize that searching for his destiny was the right thing to do, was the King of Salem or Melchizedek, who disguised himself as an old man. When they met in the plaza, at the very beginning of Santiago’s journey, Melchizedek gave Santiago two stones which were called Urim and Thummin. They had magical powers that enabled them to answer the questions he had about the omens. Once he received the stones, he was told that there would be good and bad happenings that will assist and hinder him on his journey, but Santiago was prepared to take on anything. Santiago had just come out of the tribal chieftain’s tent, feeling sick to his stomach because… “If he died tomorrow it would be because God was not willing to change the future. He would at least have died after crossing the strait, after having worked in a crystal shop, and after having known the silence of the desert and Fatima’s eyes. He had lived every one of his days intensely…(and) he was proud of that.” – “Alchemist” page: 104. After seeing the chieftains about the omen he saw, he was told that if the battle did not proceed, Santiago would lose his life. On his way back to his tent, after receiving the bad news, he was thinking about how good his life had been up to that point, and that if he were to die, he would have died a grateful person. Santiago had enough bravery to think of the good that would come out of dying the next day. He had enough courage to tell himself that it was okay. This would have helped Santiago on his way to achieve his destiny because he looked at every bad obstacle in a good way. When he first met the alchemist, he thought of him in a very different way, “It is I who dared to do so,” he repeated, and he lowered his head to receive a blow from the sword. “Many lives will be saved because I was able to see into the Soul of the World.” – “Alchemist” page: 105. He initially thought he was one of the attackers Santiago had seen in the omen. The alchemist tested Santiago, by acting as if he were one of the attackers, by demanding to know who had read the flight of the two hawks, an omen interpreted by Santiago that said that there was going to be a surprise battle against the oasis. His destiny was helped at this point because now he knew that humanity would test him, so he had to build up his courage to get passed the tricks that would come. Santiago had enough bravery to stand up for himself and confess to the alchemist that he was the one who read the omen. The courage Santiago had built upon on his journey, took him closer to achieving his destiny, but without his observance skills, he would never have reached his final destination.

Santiago’s main learning technique was to observe everything that would help him get closer to his goal. This quality really helped Santiago cross most of the obstacles that got in the way of his learning. His journey began with a dream, “He had had the same dream that night as a week ago, and once again he had awakened before it ended.” – “Alchemist” page: 3. If it weren’t for Santiago’s recurring dream, he would never have even made his trip to the plaza, where he met Melchizedek. Santiago’s dream recurred in an old church, which in the end turned out to be where his treasure was all along. If he had not interpreted his dream and found out that it meant something deeper, his journey to achieve his destiny, would be non-existent. “It was love…she smiled and that was certainly an omen – the omen he had been awaiting, without even knowing he was, for all his life… - “Alchemist” page: 88/89. Santiago looked into Fatima’s eyes, and knew that it was love at first sight. Santiago met Fatima at the oasis where she lived; he was helping the Englishman look for the alchemist when he first laid eyes on her. Santiago observed Fatima and knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. If Fatima had never come into his life, he would not have successfully achieved his destiny because she was a major part in making him who he was today. The alchemist was explaining to Santiago, that the Emerald Tablet was one of man’s simplest creations and that once you can understand that, you have taken a direct passage to the Soul of the World, “It’s like the flight of those two hawks it can’t be understood by reason alone. The Emerald Tablet is a direct passage to the Soul of the World.” – “Alchemist” page: 121. Once Santiago was shown the drawing, by the alchemist, of the Emerald Tablet he knew that if he could understand the writings, he could uncover the secrets of Alchemy. To his dismay, just by looking at it, it didn’t make any sense to him at all. The Tablet had been written years ago, and should have been easy to decipher but as time went on, men wanted to show that they were more knowledgeable, so they made it more confusing to learn the secrets of Alchemy. Over time, due to the added complications, their own understanding of the tablet was lost. This resulted in only a few people knowing the true secrets of Alchemy. In almost anything the alchemist does, Santiago observes closely and understands what the master can do. Santiago discovered that while he was trying to overcome an obstacle, he was often knocked down. Without Santiago’s determination, he would have given up a long time ago, and he would have never even come close to achieving his ultimate destiny.

It was this resilience that made Santiago even more determined than ever to reach his goal. Santiago had encountered a thief at the beginning of his travels and he didn’t know what to do, “As he mused about these things, he realized that he had to choose between thinking of himself as the victim of a thief and as an adventurer in quest of his treasure. “I’m and adventurer, looking for treasure,” he said to himself.” – “Alchemist” page: 40. If he had chosen to take the other option, to feel sorry for himself, he would never have achieved his destiny. Santiago chose the decision of becoming an adventurer, because he knew that what he was searching for was definitely worth it. He knew that taking control of his own destiny would lead him to where he needed to be. You can’t be the wind,” the wind said. “We’re two very different things.” “That’s not true,” the boy said. “I learned the alchemist’s secrets in my travels.” – “Alchemist” page: 140. Whenever the wind said that he couldn’t be turned into the wind, Santiago never gave up trying to convince it otherwise. Santiago was indeed able to turn himself into the wind, which in the process, made him realize, that he was a direct descendent of God, and that God could communicate through Santiago to the rest of the world. As Santiago had been digging all day at the pyramids and found nothing, he met a group of Arabs who gave him an advantage in getting closer to his destiny, but at the same time knocked him back, “But I’m not so stupid as to cross an entire desert just because of a recurring dream.” And they disappeared. The boy stood up shakily, and looked once more at the Pyramids. They seemed to laugh at him, and he laughed back, his heart was filled with joy. Because now he knew where his treasure was.” – “Alchemist” page: 155. Although the Arabs had beaten up Santiago, they had inadvertently told him where his treasure was and this benefitted him greatly. Even though his treasure was right where he began, which was a long way away, he still went back to gain what he had been looking for throughout his whole quest. If Santiago hadn’t come across the Arabs, he would never have found his treasure. It is also ironic, seeing as though the Arab, who didn’t go looking for the treasure, knew exactly where it was. In the meantime Santiago, who thought his treasure was going to be in the Pyramids, found out that it was right where he had begun. The chiefs of the tribe, who wanted to see Santiago transform himself into the wind, put a lot of pressure on him. He knew that if he couldn’t transform himself, he would have suffered severe consequences. Santiago was resilient ever since the beginning of his journey. He needed this quality to make his destined path as clear as is could possibly be.

Throughout Santiago’s journey to achieve his destiny, he had many qualities that assisted him in the quest to achieve his goal. He was courageous because whatever problem Santiago came upon, he dealt with it and was able to stand up for himself in any situation. Santiago’s main learning technique, which helped him in his journey, was to observe everything he was told or taught. He was able to learn with his eyes and his mind throughout his quest. Resilience was one of Santiago’s strongest qualities because, he was knocked down so many times but he was always able to stand up again and continue with his dream. Many times he wanted to give in, but he knew that if he gave up, his life would never be the same. All of these qualities combined created Santiago’s strong personality and helped him realize where his destiny lay. Destiny is a goal inside everyone’s life, in which they want to achieve. Santiago was told, that sometimes, people decide not to reach their destiny, because it’s the will that makes them live another day, it makes them know that there is always something good that exists when they are feeling down. Everyone has a destiny, whether they understand it or not. Destiny creates life and transforms someone into who they really are and on the journey to achieving that destiny, it shows you how you have progressed since the beginning of your life’s journey.

Picture from:

Resilience, is a quality that I believe I possess, that would make me a strong participant in my destiny. Not everyone has enough resilience to continue to follow their dreams and "fight the tough fight". I believe that determination, which is the same as resilience, is a strong personal trait, which can be called upon whenever I need it. If knocked down, I am able to re-bound again, just like Santiago, in the book "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. If one gives up every time, it's impossible to get over life's obstacles. I would never be able to achieve anything, because after capitulating, it would, most likely, leave me with no other options. Giving up is a sign of weakness, most of the time. If people are not resilient, I believe it shows a possible weakness in their make-up. However I know that in most situations, my nature is to stand up for myself, even if I get knocked down. I know that resilience is not something everybody has, but I do know, that everybody can develop this reliable quality, whenever their heart desires to. They just have to keep trying and never accept that they have no other option but to give in. Resilience is a quality that, if I didn't have, would limit the path I choose to take, through life. Everybody gets knocked down, but the resilient ones, who "never say die", get up again.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pussycat Dolls - "When I Grow Up"

I chose this piece, because it really explains the type of future I would like to hold. I would like to be recognized in a good manner. This piece of music says something along the lines of, "I want to live my life to the fullest," and that is exactly what I want to do. This song describes my future, because, I do "want to see the world," and "drive nice cars." This is a piece of music that reflects my personality and well - being. "When I grow up, I want to be a star!"

"When I Grow Up"

[Intro x2]
Boys call you * (What's up, *)
And you don't care what they say
See, everytime you turn around
They scream your name

[Verse 1]
Now I've got a confession
When I was young I wanted attention
And I promised myself that I’d do anything
Anything at all for them to notice me

But I ain't complaining
We all wanna be famous
So go ahead and say what you wanna say
You know what it's like to be nameless
Want them to know what your name is
'Cause see when I was younger I would say

When I grow up
I wanna be famous
I wanna be a star
I wanna be in movies
When I grow up
I wanna see the world
Drive nice cars
I wanna have groupies
When I grow up
Be on TV
People know me
Be on magazines
When I grow up
Fresh and clean
Number one chick when I step out on the scene

[Hook x2]
Be careful what you wish for 'cause you just might get it
You just might get it
You just might get it

[Verse 2]
They used to tell me I was silly
Until I popped up on the TV
I always wanted to be a superstar
And knew that singing songs would get me this far


[Hook x2]
Be careful what you wish for 'cause you just might get it
You just might get it
You just might get it

[Verse 3]
I see them staring at me
Oh I'm a trendsetter
Yes this is true 'cause what I do, no one can do it better
You can talk about me
'Cause I'm a hot topic
I see you watching me, watching me, and I know you want it


[Hook x2]


[Hook x2] - YouTube link

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Theatre Masks

I chose this picture of theatre masks because it shows how I love to act and play around on the stage. It also shows that I am confident in myself through acting. The theatre masks prove to me that wherever I go I will always want to become an actress in many different ways I can. Also wherever I go, acting will always be in my blood.