Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wisdom - From the past to the future

Wisdom appears in your mind

Smothered in ripped black shreds

Searching for the right place to fit

Picture by:
The theme I am portraying here, in this poem, is Wisdom. The knowledge and  experiences that lie deep within someone. Paulo Coelho, used wisdom to transcend the idea of the alchemist's personality through his knowledge, to prove to Santiago that he was powerful in his actions as well as his mind, in the book "The Alchemist". Wisdom is a trait which anyone, anywhere can have; they just need to know how to use it and when to call upon it. Throughout earth's existence, wisdom has been transferred through generations; from parent to child; from teacher to student; from boss to employee. It is all about learning from the experience of others, often older and more experienced than we are. It is about using logic and not repeating mistakes of the past. It is about looking at ALL the options to a solution and knowing which is the best option to take. Wise people know how to harness this energy. I believe, that our world would not be the same, without our knowledge and understanding of the past and the wisdom of our leaders, scientists and scholars.  Unwise people repeat mistakes it appears, because what they have learnt from others has not found its way into that part of their mind which allows them recall it and use it. In ancient Greece, the Gods were revered. They were wise, and were asked the questions, others didn't know the answers too. In the Bible, Joseph son of Jacob, was a man who because he was wise and was able to interpret dreams, and see into the future, he became powerful. In society over thousands of years, Judges had to make decisions based on information they obtain and use their experience (sometimes wisdom) to make the best decisions for everyone. Wisdom is a strong theme in the book "The Alchemist". It proves that people can get through anything, if they know their way around the puzzles and if they can apply that knowledge and teach others their understanding, to benefit the rest of humankind.

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